I guess it was a little while back that I went to see Theory of a Deadman since they started off their Canadian tour here in Vancouver on January 24th. I lazily hadn't uploaded the photo's from my iPhone until today and taking a closer look I got a few great pics so I thought I'd share a couple on my blog...
I wasn't lucky enough to score a press pass this time but I've been really lucky up until now never having to pay for tickets. You see, my cousin Dave is the guitarist in Theory of a Deadman. It's always a little weird seeing him and his high school buddies up on stage in front of hundreds of people screaming away at them but at the same time it's pretty cool. I always have a little 'yes! you made it!' moment during my favourite song.. and it just goes to show that if you really truly love something, you can achieve any dream.
As a teenager, my dad was always afraid that I'd get into
too much trouble if I was left alone and Dave would always be the one forced to sleep on the pull out couch and 'watch over me' if my dad was leaving me at home alone for any amount of time, like a temporary big brother. We did have a 'few' friends come over from time to time but we were always pretty lame. haha.
Since he's on tour all the time, I don't get to see him as much as I'd like too but I'm so happy for him and all his success. My 9yr old baby just
loves the band, and since she's a big fan of her "cousin David" I thought it would be really great to drag her along. Theory of a Deadman hasn't done very many all ages shows so she was elated when I told her we were going (when she was small she'd say things like "why can't I go if they only serve booze, what if I bring my own drink?" - haha). I also got to drag my brother out (for his first concert EVER- he's 15), kind of a weird moment to be the 'cool' one and the old one at the same time.... HAHAHAHA!!
Anyway, here are my absolute favourite photo's from that night...
Keyrah in her new shirt
like mother like daughter.. she's my 'mini me'
I love this one for so many reasons.. the colour, the lights and how Dave is the only one facing forward :)
aren't apps grand?
The acoustic part of the concert was my favourite... at the time I didn't know my iPhone had a zoom (I got it only hours before the concert) and even though I wasn't as close as I thought I would be, I had a fabulous time... I was hanging out with my favourite family and friends.... and I guess it helps I like that
kind of music!! lol lol lol
Did I mention their opener? Louder than Love. Ah-maz-ing. I'm a new fan! :)